The children return after the Summer Holidays on Tuesday 3rd September
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Romsey Primary School & Nursery




At RPS, our curriculum is intended to develop the whole child in an environment where they feel loved, nurtured and safe. We pride ourselves on being a school family, where everyone has a strong sense of belonging that is created through powerful, positive relationships. As part of our family, we celebrate difference and teach the children to show respect, tolerance and empathy towards others.  If you have any queries please talk to your child's teacher.



Early Years

There are seven areas of learning and development that must shape educational programmes in early years settings. All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected.


Three areas are particularly important for building a foundation for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, forming relationships and thriving.

These are the prime areas:

• communication and language

• physical development

• personal, social and emotional development


As an Early Years provider, we also support children in four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied.

The specific areas are:

• literacy

• mathematics

• understanding the world

• expressive arts and design.


We provide rich and meaningful activities and experiences for children, as set out under each of the areas of learning. Our curriculum is play based with a blend of child initiated and adult guided learning opportunities, based on the child’s interests and motivations. Our experienced staff team understand what the children can do, and what they need to know next to ensure full coverage of the framework.

The statutory requirements for the Early Years curriculum can be found at: Early years foundation stage (EYFS) statutory framework - GOV.UK (


Key Stage One and Key Stage Two

In Key Stage One and Key Stage Two, our curriculum is based on the 2014 National Curriculum and covers the following subject areas: English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Art and Design, Design Technology, Music, Physical Education, Computing and Spanish (Key Stage Two only). Religious Education is delivered through the agreed Hampshire ‘Living Difference’ curriculum.


Our curriculum is designed to provide a solid foundation in the core skills of reading, writing and mathematics and where appropriate, children have the opportunity to apply the core skills they have learnt in other subjects. We believe in a broad and balanced curriculum that enables children to develop skills and talents in a variety of subjects. In all subjects, lessons are designed to be engaging with a focus on the key knowledge we want the children to learn. Regular opportunities are given for children to retrieve what they have learnt, creating opportunities for children to make connections across different areas of learning.


The statutory curriculum is enhanced with well-planned opportunities that make up the wider school curriculum. Through trips, visitors and whole-school themed days/weeks, we create a sense of awe and wonder and allow the children to encounter authentic, real-life and practical experiences. Our curriculum provides rich, meaningful experiences such as meeting a real-life Egyptologist, author/poet visits, Bikeability,

swimming lessons, opportunities to handle reptiles, VR workshops and various trips (e.g. Butser Farm, the SeaCity Titanic Museum, Stubbington, Winchester Science Centre, Hilliers, Romsey Abbey). Through themed days and weeks, such as Anti-Bullying Week, Black History Week, Mental Health Awareness Week, Sports Days and Tough Mudder, we allow the children to explore in depth the important issues in today's society and to develop key skills, such as keeping mentally and physically healthy. A range of extra-curricular clubs and activities are on offer at lunchtimes and after school. These are run by staff and external providers, and enrich experiences in sport, music, art, computing, the natural world and mindfulness.


We are passionate about reading at RPS. We actively promote reading for pleasure and share our favourite stories and books with the children. Children are encouraged to read regularly through the 'Bookflix' scheme and this is encouraged through having a wide range of books on offer in our classrooms, school library and at break and lunch times. Early readers gain confidence through making links between letters and the sounds they make through the phonics programme. We are ambitious for all of our children in becoming fluent readers and writers. This is why we teach reading through Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised, which is a systematic and synthetic phonics programme. We start teaching phonics in Nursery and Reception and follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised progression. This ensures children build on their growing knowledge of the alphabetic code, mastering phonics to read and spell as they move through school.


High quality texts are the driver for our English curriculum. Children are hooked into a book in exciting ways, before reading and exploring the style, grammar and punctuation used for good effect. Throughout an English unit, there are different opportunities to write before the children create a longer 'showcase' write to demonstrate everything they have learned. The English curriculum is supported through discrete handwriting and spelling sessions, providing time for these skills to be taught before applying to a longer piece of writing.


In Maths, we teach fluency in skills alongside opportunities for the children to problem solve, reason and explain their thinking. We draw upon materials from the White Rose and NCETM schemes to create units of work. Maths learning journeys begin with a review of the learning from the previous year and enable the children to demonstrate what they have learned at the end. We use a wide range of concrete resources to develop a good understanding of mathematical concepts before moving on to pictorial and abstract representations.


For certain subjects, we may draw upon specialist teachers/sports coaches to deliver lessons in order to achieve the best possible outcomes for children. Children in Year 2 and Year 4 learn to play a range of musical instruments through participating in Listen2Me and Beyond The Beat taught by music specialists from Hampshire Music Service. Singing Assemblies are led by a local chorister from Romsey Abbey. Sports coaches deliver some units of work in P.E., such as gymnastics, tennis or multi-skills and they provide sports and games during lunchtimes.


As part of the wider community, we participate in various opportunities as they arise, such as visits to local care homes and Romsey Library. Children have the opportunity to take part in Level 2 tournaments to develop their sporting skills in a competitive environment and to link with the University of Southampton through the COSMOS project which encourages working scientifically in our local environment. Our links with local secondary schools also provide further opportunities to enhance the curriculum, through maths, art, science and sports competitions.


The curriculum being taught in each group is communicated with parents/carers through a year group 'Learning News' letter sent home every half term. This provides an overview of what will be taught in each subject and includes ways that parents/carers can support learning at home.


Home learning is an integral part of our curriculum, providing valuable opportunities for children to practice key skills and share their learning. Children receive weekly homework at an age-appropriate level, designed to build on the key learning taking place in class.

