The children return after the Summer Holidays on Tuesday 3rd September
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Romsey Primary School & Nursery

Late/Absence Procedures

Registration Process

08:45The classroom doors open and the school day begins.
09:00Classroom doors close and the school day starts.  The register is taken.  Any children arriving after this time will need to go through the school office and will receive a Late mark (before registers closed) on their attendance record.
09:15Any children arriving after this time will receive a Late mark (after registers closed) on their attendance record.  This is an unauthorised absence.
09:30If a child is not in school and there has not been any contact from parents to explain the absence, the office will send a text message asking for parents to telephone the school.
09:45If no contact has been made, the office will telephone parents on home and mobile numbers.
10:00A second telephone is made if still no contact.  If after the second phone call, staff have been unable to speak to parents to verify the children's wellfare, the Head or Deputy Head will be notified and it may be deemed necessary to visit the family home to satisfy themselves that the child is safe.


Medical Appointments

Where possible, medical and dental appointments should be arranged for the end of the day, not the start of the day.  Arriving late, even after a medical appointment, is unsettling not just for your child, but also the rest of the class.



Parents should contact the school office on 01794 512362 each day their child is ill, or via the ParentMail app.  Please ensure you provide details of the illness, so we can update our records.  Please provide a specific reason; ‘feeling ill/unwell’ is not sufficient.  Further details of what to do if your child has a particular condition can be found here.  Guidance from Hampshire is here.

Late Collection Letter and Procedure
