The children return after the Summer Holidays on Tuesday 3rd September
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Romsey Primary School & Nursery



If you are interested in applying for a place at our school please contact the school office on 01794 512362 to arrange a visit.


Admission limits:

  • With agreement of the Local Authority, our current Year 1 has an Admission Limit of 52.

  • With agreement of the Local Authority, our current Year 2 has an Admission Limit of 48.

  • With agreement of the Local Authority, our current Year 3 has an Admission Limit of 48.

  • With agreement of the Local Authority, our current Year 4 has an Admission Limit of 54.

  • With agreement of the Local Authority, our current Year 5 has an Admission Limit of 43.

  • With agreement of the Local Authority, our current Year 6 has an Admission Limit of 16.


Applying for a Year R Place Starting in September 2024?

If you are applying for a Year R place as part of the main round admissions, these applications are processed by the County Admissions Team in Winchester, and you can apply online via


Applications can be made between 1st November 2022 and 15th January 2023.


Find out more about our catchment area here


Alternatively you can contact the Admissions Team at:
County Admissions Team
Children's Services Department
The Castle
SO23 8UG

Tel: 0300 555 1377
If you would prefer, you can complete a Year R application form at school, and the office can forward it to the County Admissions Team on your behalf.


Applying for a school place during the school year
If you would like to apply for a place outside of the main round admissions, this can be done via the County Admissions Team, or directly to the school. Please call the school office on 01794 512362, who will be happy to assist you. Further information on in year admissions can be found here. 

If a year group is over subscribed, applicants are placed on our waiting list. Places are allocated using the criteria set out by Hampshire County Council. Please see the Admissions Policy on our website via Key Information/Policies. For further information regarding the selection criteria used to allocate school places, please contact the County Admissions Team.


