The children return after the Summer Holidays on Tuesday 3rd September
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Romsey Primary School & Nursery

Joining Our RPS Family

Starting at RPS!


A very warm welcome to Romsey Primary School & Nursery.


Starting a new school can be both an exciting and daunting time in a child's learning journey.  For some families, this will be their first experience of starting school; others may have been through this before.  In both cases we want to reassure you that despite the challenges that the pandemic has presented to schools, we are working hard behind the scenes to ensure that your child's transition into RPS is as smooth as possible.  

All our staff are committed to making this transition into our RPS family a success for each and every child.  The information contained on these pages is to help you find everything you need to get started.  However, if you still have questions, please contact the school on or 01794 512362


We cannot wait to meet you!


Jason Anderson



Connecting Parents and School


Arbor Education is the software we use to connect with our parents.  Arbor looks after all our pupil information and is our main tool for communication.  Accessible online and via an app, Arbor is easy to use, and allows you to update contact details and provide consent for trips, medicine and and other aspects of school life!

Further details of how to set up your Arbor account can be found here (please note that your child needs to have started at RPS before you can do this).



To help speed up the some of the administrative processes, we would be grateful if you could complete the following forms before we start in September.  

Thank you!

  1. Contact Details
  2. Social Media Consent
  3. Offsite Activities Consent
  4. Administration of Paracetamol
  5. Tapestry Consent
To get things underway, there are a number of links and resources to help you and your children get ready for the exciting journey ahead!  If you have any questions, please email