The children return after the Summer Holidays on Tuesday 3rd September
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Romsey Primary School & Nursery

Starting Nursery

Our Nursery

We are so lucky to have our own nursery here at RPS – we are one of only a handful of primary schools in the county to be in this enviable position!  We have the most creative and caring staff to help your child blossom in the early years of development.  Our grounds, classrooms and resources are all designed with the children in mind.


Starting Nursery

Starting nursery is a big step for most children, but we ensure all settle into the new environment as smoothly as possible.  We work closely with parents to understand any concerns you may have; however, we have learned that children are remarkably adaptable and soon relish the prospect of seeing their new friends and enjoying the variety of activities.  

Information for new Nursery parents

The Early Years Curriculum

From September 2021, new guidance has been drawn up by the Government that outlines the experiences and curriculum that children from birth to 5 should experience.  Called Development Matters, it provides our early years teaching teams with a clear journey that the children will follow. 

Connecting Parents and School


Arbor Education is the software we use to connect with our parents.  Arbor looks after all our pupil information and is our main tool for communication.  Accessible online and via an app, Arbor is easy to use, and allows you to update contact details and provide consent for trips, medicine and and other aspects of school life!

Further details of how to set up your Arbor account can be found here (please note that your child needs to have started at RPS before you can do this).


Tapestry is an online learning journal that builds a very special record of a child’s experiences, development and learning journey through their early years at school.  Using photos, videos, and diary entries, staff, along with the child’s parents or carers, ‘weaves’ the story of the child and how they are growing and developing.

Getting Started

To help speed up the some of the administrative processes, once you are set up on the Arbor portal (either via the app or web), we ask that you use Arbor to update the following information:

  • Contact details.
  • Consent for inclusion in social & local media, and use of Tapestry,
  • Consent for the administration of medicines,
  • Consent for local trips

Thank you!

Here are some top tips that will help you in getting ready to join our family:

  1. Bring your child for a visit before they start:  The biggest worry for many young children is that something is 'new'. By bringing your child with you on a visit, allowing them to see other happy children playing and interacting with toys that previously they may not have seen or played with, will give your child with a sense of curiosity.  Even the clingiest child will, at some point, give in to this desire to investigate and enquire.
  2. Talk to our staff:  While your child is happily playing on their visit, speak with our staff.  Tell them about your child in as much detail as you can.  Tell them what your child likes or dislikes.  What food they like, if they have a sleep during the day, whether they are toilet trained or not.  By giving staff this information they are going to be much more effective in helping your child settle in when you are not there.
  3. Be positive about the whole experience:  Always talk about nursery in positive terms to your child.  Make it sound exciting, vibrant, energetic and fun filled.  Smile a lot when you talk about it.  Reading a book about nursery to them before bed is a good idea, as is taking time to walk past a nursery on a walk and point out the children having fun and doing exciting things.  The most difficult time to remain positive is when you have to leave your child on the first day.  It is important here to remember that the more you keep running back, or show signs of distress yourself, then the more your child will mirror your feelings. You must overcome your own clinginess at this point!  The child will overcome theirs a few moments after you have walked out of the door!  When you leave, smile and be positive and your child will do exactly the same.
  4. Dress them in simple clothes: Too many zips and buttons, laces on shoes, tights can be a real problem for children, especially those who are recently toilet trained.  A child likes their independence, so give them every chance to enjoy this new found freedom by dressing them in clothes that are easy for them to handle and put on themselves with the minimum of assistance.
  5. Speak with other parents:  You are likely to see other parents on the courtyard when you take and collect your child from nursery.  Chat to parents and make new friends, particularly with the parents of children whom your child is friends with.  This way bonds that are created in school can lead to children becoming friends out of school too, increasing their social skills and creating friendships that will last throughout school and beyond.


These five tips are great starting pointers for the very first day and beyond, they will help socialise your child and allow for an easy integration into nursery.  However, please do talk to any of our staff if you do have any concerns or queries.
